9th March 2013
Welcome to the resurrection of the DVH Design blog. After a 5 year break from blogging, I have finally got my act together and revived my blog to keep abreast of the latest topics affecting online businesses along with how-to’s and tips that might even make your life easier.
Before I proceed, I feel that I have to explain what actually happened 5 years ago when I abandoned blog and ran for the hills: My main issue was most of my time was spent dealing with projects (which definitely isn’t a bad thing), but with the introduction of all these social networks at the time (I did say this was 5 years ago) my old faithful insurance company had decided that in order to cover all its clients for defamation online, they would bump their prices up by £600. Now I was, and still am a small business, and £600 can buy a lot of more necessary things. As a result, I thanked them kindly, took my blog down and spent the first 6 months of social networks treading on virtual eggshells.
Two things have changed since then: First of all, as far as social media is concerned, the hype has died down and short of wiping the floor with a few trolls on Facebook (The chain letter posts are a particular favourite of mine), I am actually responsible enough to not warrant a lawsuit. The second issue is that insurance companies have cottoned on that professional indemnity insurance is a nice little earner and so long their guidelines are followed, I’m actually paying less for my insurance than I was 5 years ago.
There was another reason why I have resurrected my blog: Search Engines love information and resourceful websites as do people. Who doesn’t search on terms they aren’t sure on? A good few! I am an expert on web design and search marketing – I have after all lived and breathed it since 2000. But even I am still learning. I will tackle this further in a future post because by then I should have visual evidence to prove it!
So sit back, grab your coffee and see what I have to say. Feel free to comment or give me feedback with any of my posts. All I will ask is: