8th November 2014
One way links to your website are good. Very good.
But here’s the scoop: Getting your site listed in every online directory you can find no longer works. Google saw to that with their Panda updates. The old tricks of commenting on other peoples blogs and forums is no good anymore as most of these have a nofollow setup, meaning that Google won’t … You guessed it. So how can you get inbound links while Google make it so increasingly hard?
Google has and always will strive to become an resource and you should do the same, after all you are the expert in your field, right!
For example, If you’re a private tutor specialising in children taking their 11+, it would be good to write about the new changes to the exam. It would be even better to provide a few old test papers that children can complete and calculate their score.
You could also offer your expertise on other people’s websites. Approach them & courteously explain what you can offer them and why they would benefit from your expertise.
It would certainly be more beneficial to your website and more fun, than wasting your time submitting the same information to directories that don’t even work anymore.
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