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How many pages should you have on your website? Part 1

26th July 2021

Page 1 - Home Page

I was asked this question last week and it’s given me an idea: Everyone has their own opinion on what should be included on a business website, but if you are stumped for ideas and need guidance, well hey, that’s what I do, right?

Over the next 5 days, I am going to give me top 5 pages and what you really should include content-wise.

Page 1️⃣ – Home

This goes without saying. Every website needs a page to begin with. 99% of the time, the home page is the most popular page on your website.

So what should this page include?

Your logo

Ideally this should feature on every single page of your website (even the 404 page not found). It tells your users that they have come to the right place to see you.

Your call to action

Again having this prominent throughout all of your pages is a no brainer, but if someone has already visited your website and are ready to take action, then make it easy for them by linking them to your shop, subscription button or your phone number or email address.

Who you are

You can speculate more about yourself in another page, but at least introduce who you are and what makes you different from all of your competitors.

What you do

Again are they in the right place? Give an outline of your product/service as well as any images, videos or a good review.

Focal point

Just text is very offputting, so break it down with a visual of either you, your product or service should feature quite high up on the page. A Smart way of covering a few key points about your business (eg awards, news, products, etc) is to use a carousel (image rotator)

Contact details

There is a contact page, but bearing in mind this is your home page that your user may have visited before and they want to be able to contact you for more information. Again this should really be on every page of your website.


Love it or loathe it, if you’re requesting personal data from your users or even if you are tracking how people behave on your website (for example Google Analytics) You need to include a consent banner or window throughout your website asking your user if they consent or not.


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